Regs-Bot – AI & The Electrical Regulations
Regs-Bot – AI & The Electrical Regulations
How long have we had to keep running through the different books, cross referencing a piece of information to ensure we haven’t missed anything from one random regulation.
Let’s not lie, it’s hard, takes time and is easy to introduce errors due to the complexity.
That being said, we’re professionals, and like other professionals who have to wade through pages and pages of reference material, we begrudgingly do it time and time again.
It’s on TV, it’s in the media, lets face it, it’s everywhere. AI. Artificial Intelligence. What the hell has it got to do with electrical regulations?
Artificial Intelligence is a bit of a blanket term, for a piece of computer software called ‘Large Language Models’.
Large language models take huge chunks of data and can learn from it.
I’m not suggesting that Amendment 4 will be a computer, BUT what I am saying is that instead of cross referencing 5 or 6 different books, why not get a bit of helping hand from a computer?
AI & The Electrical Regulations:
This isn’t your standard web-bot chat, this is a GTP4 model trained on the wiring regulations. Not only that, it’s been tried again and again to find references to random regulations to try and ‘stress test’ it – this can help the custom GPT learn more.

Check It!!!!!:
Look, I thought this idea was as crazy as you at first, but the further we get with it, the more it seems a really useful tool.
Think about it, you look through our web site, most probably after typing something into Google.

So instead of Google picking what it think’s is the right page, Regs-Bot will tell you the particular regulation, in the particular book, as well as other considerations.

Don’t worry, this should be ready to go live within the next couple of weeks at the latest.